Prof.Dr.Birol YÜCEL

Mechanical Engineering Department

Middle East Technical University

Ankara ,TURKEY



1950-1954 İnönü İlkokulu, Ankara

1954-1956 Kurtuluş Ortaokulu, Ankara

1956-1958 Kurtuluş Lisesi, Ankara

1959-1962 Mechanical Engineering Dept., M.E.T.U. B.Sc.

1962-1964 Mechanical Engineering Dept., M.E.T.U. M.Sc.

1974-1976 Mechanical Engineering Dept., M.E.T.U. Ph.D.



Englih : Writing, Speaking and Understanding; Excellent

German.: Writing, Speaking and Understanding ; Fair



Turkish Mechanical and Chemical Industries Corp. Scholarship, 1960-1962

C.E.N.T.O. Research Grant 1966-1969



“Application of Thermal- Electrical Analog to Heat Flow Through Walls” Birol Yücel, M.Sc.Thesis 1964, Mechanical Engineering Dept. M.E.T.U. (Suppervisor: Prof. Dr Nuri Saryal)

“Effects of Channel Geometry and Orientation on Forced Flow Boiling of Water and Burnout” Birol Yücel, Ph.D. Thesis 1976 Mechanical Engineering Dept.M.E.T.U. (Suppervisor. Prof.Dr: Sadık Kakaç)



Teaching Assistant; Mechanical Engineering Dept. M.E.T.U., 1964-1966

Part Time Teacher of Mathematics; Ankara Collage, 1962-1966

Research Fellow; University of Scheffield, 1966-1969

Instructor; Mechanical Engineering Dept. M.E.T.U. 1970-1976

Assistant Professor; Mechanical Engineering Dept., M.E.T.U. 1976-1985

Associate Professor; Mechanical Engineering Dept. M.E.T.U.1985-1992

Professor; Mechanical Engineering Dept.M.E.T.U. 1992-2001



Thermodynamics I, 2nd year Course, Mech. Eng.Dept. METU

Thermodynamics II, 3rd year Course, Mech. Eng.Dept. METU

Thermodynamics of Heat Power ,3rd year Course, Industrial Eng. and Minning Eng. Departments, METU.

Thermodynamic Elazığ D.M.M.A., Mechanical Engineering ( Undergraduate).

Applied Mathematics for Mechanical Engineers,2nd year Course, Mech. Eng.Dept. METU

Mechanical Engineering Laboratory, 3rd year Course , Mech. Eng.Dept. METU

Heat Transfer, 3rd year Course, Mech. Eng.Dept. METU

Instrumentation and Measurement Techniques, 4th year Course, Mech. Eng.Dept. METU

Steam Engines and Turbines 4th year Course, Mech. Eng.Dept. METU

Steam Turbine Design 4th year Course, Mech. Eng.Dept. METU

Heating Ventilating, Air Condition and Refrigeration, 4th year Course ,Mech. Eng.Dept. METU.

Advanced Heat Transfer I Post Graduate Course, Mech. Eng.Dept. METU.



Haluk Etikan “Effect of Heater Orientation and Subcooling on the Rate of heat Transfer and Critical Heat Flux in Nucleate Pool Boiling of Water” M.Sc. Thesis METU 1972.


Ibrahim Yıldırim “A Study on Energy Economy in Ankara Sugar Factory” M.Sc. Thesis METU 1973.


Ahmet Ağar “Investigation  of  the Thermal Layer Over a Heater Surface During Nucleate Pool Boiling of Water”, M.Sc. Thesis METU1973.


Ali Babacan “Investigation of the Thermal Layer Over a Heater Surface During Nucleate Pool Boiling of Detergent Added Distilled Water”,M.Sc. Thesis M.E.T.U. 1973.


İsmail Hakkı Günay “Investigation of Thermal Behaviour of Building Walls Under Periodic Outside Temperature Variations by Electrical Analogy”, M.Sc. Thesis M.E.T.U. 1976.


Yüksel Özgün “Thermal Layer Investigation Over a Heating Surface During Nucleate Pool Boiling of Distilled Water”M.Sc.Thesis,M.E.T.U.1976.


Yıldırım Soydan “Investigation of the Thermal Boundary Layer in Nucleate Pool Boiling of Ethanol-Water Mixture Heated From a Horizontal Surface” M.Sc. Thesis M.E.T.U. 1977.


Rıfat Mataracı “Investigation of Panel Heating by Thermal –Electrical Analogy”, M.Sc. Thesis M.E.T.U. 1986.


“Underground Heating of Airport Runways and Aprons” ( Havaalanı Pist ve Apronlarının Yeraltından Isıtılması)  M.Sc. Thesis.METU.


“Second Law Optimization of Porous Medium Solar Collector” ( Gözenekli Ortamlı bir Güneş Kollektörünün İkinci Kanun Açısından Optimizazyonu”). M.Sc. Thesis METU (Prof.Dr. Hafit Yüncü ile birlikte).


“Second Law Analysis of PsychrometricProcesses” (Psikiyometrik İşlemlerin İkinci Kanun Analizi”.M.Sc. ThesisMETU ( Prof.Dr. Hafit Yüncü ile birlikte).


“Analysis of Flow and Temperature Fields around rectangular Plate Fins in Natural Convection” (Dikdörtgen Plaka Kanatcıklı Yüzeyler Etrafında Doğal Konveksiyonda Akım ve Sıcaklık Alanlarının Analizi). Ph.D. Thesis METU ( Prof.Dr. Hafit Yüncü ile birlikte)



Assistant to the Dean; Engineering Faculty of M.E.TU., 1977

Acting Dean ; Engineering Faculty of M.E.T.U. 1977-1978

Assistant to the  Dean ; Engineering Faculty of M.E.T.U. 1978-1980

Vice President; M.E.T.U.,1980-1981

Member of the Editors Board; M.E.T.U. Pure and Applied Sciences Journal, 1977-1978

Chairman; Doctoral Committee of Engineering Faculty of M.E.T.U. 1977-1980

Member, Applied Research Board, M.E.T.U. 1977-1978

Member; Committee for Energy Planning and Economy Institute of Technical Sciences M.E.T.U., 1984-1985

Assistant to the Dean; Engineering Faculty of M.E.T.U. 1985-1988



Member of Turkish Mechanical Engineers 1962-2001

Turkish Society of Thermal Sciences and Technology 1976-2001



NATO A.S.I.  on Two Phase Flows and Heat Transfer

İstanbul 1976 (Scientific Secretary).

NATO A.S.I. on Turbulent Forced Convection in Channels and Rod Bundls.

İstanbul 1978 (Scientific Secretary).



Heat Transfer in Two Phase Flow

Analog Methods in Heat transfer


Measurement Techniques in Heat Transfer

Energy Economy

Applied Mathematics



Yücel B., Ağar A.,Baycan A., “Investigation of the Thermal Layer Over the Heating Surface in Nucleate Pool Building of Water”(in Turkish), Turkish Scientific Thechnical Research Council 4th Scientific Congress,1973,Ankara


Yücel B., Yıldırım İ., Kakaç S., “A Study on Energy Economy in Ankara Sugar Factory” (in Turkish), Turkish Scientific and Thechnical Research Council Publications No :16,1973.


Yücel B., Günay İ. “Thermal Behaviour of Buildings in Summer Under Periodically Changing Environmental Conditions”(in Turkish), Thermal Research Unit Publications No:33, 1977.


Yücel B., Kakaç S. “Forced Flow Boiling and Burnout in Rectangular Channels”Proc.6th International Heat Transfer Conference, Vol.1, P.387,1978.


Yücel B., “An Application of Resistance Thermometry to Surface Temperature Measurements”(in Turkish), Journal of Thermal Sciences and Technology, Vol.7, No.3, P17,1985.


Yücel B., “Surface Temperature Measurements in Experimental Solid- Fluid Heat Transfer Systems. Proc.7th IASTED International Symposium on Measurement and Control, P.168,1985.


Yücel B., “Incipience of Boiling in Nucleate Pool Boiling of Water”, Multıphase Transport and Particuliate Phenomena”, Vol.1,pp.355-363,1990.


Yücel B., “Simulation of  Pannel Heating by Conductive Paper Models”, A.M.S.E.Journal of Modelling Measurement and Control Ser.C,Vol.34,No.1,pp.53-63, 1992.


Yücel B., “An Arbitrary  Function Generator For Electric Analog Models”,A.M.S.E. Journal of Modelling Measurement and Control Ser.C, Vol.49, No.2, pp1-10,1993.


Yücel B., “Evaluation of Heat Coduction Through Frames of Complicated Cross Sections Composed of Different  Materials by Conductive Sheet Models”,A.M.S.E. Journal of Modelling  Measurement and Control, Ser.B, Vol,48, No.3, pp35-44, 1993.



Yücel B., “ Fundementals of Steam Turbines and Their Design” METU  Department of Mechanical Engineering 4th year program M.E.435 Steam Turbine Course : 91 Page, 1984.



Yücel B.,Yıldırım İ., Karakaç S., “Ankara Şeker Fabrikasında Isı Ekonomisi Üzerinde Bir Araştırma” T.B.T.A.K. Yayınları No.16, 22 sayfa Aralık 1973.


Yeşın O., Yüncü H., Oskay R., Yücel B., “Bayındırlık ve İskan Bakanlığı Teknik Araştırma ve Uygulama Genel Müdürlüğü Laboratuvarlarının Klima ve Soğutma Sistemlerinin Yerinde Bakımı, Onarımı, Çalıştırılması ve Geliştirilmesi,” ODTÜ Araştırma ve Geliştirme ve Uygulama Döner Sermaye İşletme Müdürlüğü 84-04-02-01 Kod Numaralı Projenin Kesin Raporu Mayıs1985 Ankara/Turkey



Instrumentation and Measurement Techniques Laboratory ( Six different experiments have been designed and  Experimental Set-up and measurement systems have been established. )



  • Instrumentation and Measurement Techniques Laboratory
  • Mechanical Engineering Laboratory



Turkish Classic Music; singing and  playing of  different musical instruments e.g., Saz, and Kanun